We know that drilling machines is used basically for drilling blind and through holes in solid material but they also used for boring, countersinking, reaming, tapping and cutting discs from sheet material. For operations like that we use drills, countersinks, reamers, taps and other tools. There are different types of these machines that perform different operations and functions. We have box column drilling machines, column drilling machines, radial drilling machines, bench drilling machines, tapping machines and jig borers. In this article we will talk about last one and will compare two machines produced by different producer.
Our machines to comparing are STANKOIMPORT 2B440A (Figure 1) and WMW BKOE 400×630 2PA (Figure 2). Both producers are well known and they make competitive machines. WMW BKOE is a popular Germany producer and STANKOIMPORT is an USSR (now Russian) producer which has great reputation in the world.

Jig boring machines are appointed for processing holes in workpieces like mold, die and parts to devices in those cases where is required high accuracy mutual spacing of processing holes. We can also perform routing and checking the linear size and distance between the axles. The measurements are performed in a rectangular coordinate system. Both machines are good in this but let`s consider their measurements and main technical parameters. The first difference that we can see is that STANKOIPORT is bigger and heavier than WMW BKOE. The first one has size 99.2×86.4×93.9 inch with weight 3.7 short ton and second one has size 85.2×54.7×28 inch and weight 2.6 short ton. The main technical parameter of these jig borers maximum boring diameter in steel and there we have visible otherness, on the one hand the machine with model 400×630 can bore holes with diameter 3.1 inch and on the other hand machine with model 2B440A – 9.842 inch. As for working table, there we do not have large difference, STANKOIPORT has table size 31.5×15.7 inch and WMW BKOE – 24.8×15.7 inch. Notwithstanding tables has similar size but the weight of material that we can put on it are not the same. On STANKOIMPORT this weight is 705.5 lb while on WMW BKOE is only 275.6 lb. Another otherness that we can notice is throat depth, from 14.4 inch in Germany machine to 19.7 in USSR. Other technical parameters are quite similar but WMW BKOE has more equipment than STANKOIMPORT such as liquid cooling system, central lubrication, boring head, high speed head, digital readouts, lighting and technical documents. Both drilling machines are equipped (BKOE – Figure 3 and 2B440A- Figure 4) with the same things like rotary and angular tables.

In summary I would like to say that both machines are good and can do their tasks very well. And as for me if you want to buy Jig boring machine – you can choose STANKOIMPORT as well as WMW BKOE.